Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Stampin' Up Announces a Color Renovation

Hello!  I know I am supposed to be on a blog break, but I just couldn't wait to share some fantastic news with you!  Stampin' Up has announced a complete Color Renovation!  The decision was made after two years of research, and the details sound very exciting.

This major renovation will be effective in the new Big Idea Book & Catalog that will be introduced in July.  A new organization of colors will be called  "Color Collections" and will include some current colors from the current "color families", five brand-new colors, ten reintroduced favorite prior "In Colors", plus new In Colors that will have a two year lifespan.

As you may be guessing, the remaining colors in the "color families" will retire.  Don't worry, though, since all of the products in retiring colors will still mix and match in to your projects and can still be used by you.  You just won't be able to purchase products in those retiring colors after the end of June.

Here's some scoop about "In Colors".  Many customers have been asking Stampin' Up to bring back some of their favorite "In Colors".  Well, once again, Stampin' Up listens to us!  Ten of our favorites are going to be core colors in the "Color Collections"!  Plus, each year five new "In Colors" will be introduced for a two year period, not one year as had been previously done.  So, since five "In Colors" will be only half-way through their lifespan when five more "In Colors" are introduced, in the future there will always be ten "In Colors" for us to create with!

The "Color Collections" will be named "Brights", "Subtles", "Regals", and "Neutrals".  Oh, and one of my favorite cs colors (Kraft) will be introduced as one of the new core colors (it'll be called "Crumb Cake")!  We now will be able to get an inkpad and embellishments, as well as papers and cs, in that color!  It is with mixed feelings that I accept this changing of the guard - Close to Cocoa will be retired (insert sad face here).  But, with the additions of cool new colors into the line, I think all will be just fine.

Since many of us already own the "In Colors" that are being brought back as core colors, we won't need to purchase them!  If we want to update our inventory of products in any of the new colors, Stampin' Up is making it affordable.  They are assembling small, economical kits that will make our inventories current and up-to-date with the new program.  More information on that in the near future!

In the meantime, I am looking forward to this change that will help to keep Stampin' Up current and relevant in an ever-changing stamping arena.


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